September 2015 Minutes

Meeting opens at 6:10 PM

Attendance: Forrest, Gibson, Brian, Jonathan, Maggie, Grady, Tom

August Minutes Approved


Brain: Outreach is gud

Jonathan: First big event is Halloween Dance; not much to report. Need a place; cheap or free. Same for DJ equipment/speakers. Wants to do monthly event called Studyhaal, a place to do service work. Stills needs a place to do it. Wants to do it first Saturday of October. Reno is having Swacypaa elections on the 20th.

Forrest: Working on getting name on account moved from Jonathan to Forrest. His name is now on, but Chair needs to as well.

FundarShit: $3.00

Old Business: No Old Business

New Business:

Maggie is our new Secretary

Grady is our new Decorations Chair

Tom is our new Clean-Up Chair

Meeting Closes at 6:39 PM


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