Starts at 8:06
Serenity prayer
Old buisness: need general service co chair, arts and graphics chair and co chair, lgbtq co chair.
Roll call absentees: cochair, h&i chair, h&i co chair, events cochair
New business:
Wade: we are trying to figure out what we are going to do for the Ucypaa bid
We need a slogan or theme, a location, and a logo
Ciera: I talked to Kyra about arts and graphics co chair m. We need someone who has access to printing
Wade: we could access a printer
Cierra: she normally works 4-midnight, she is on her way now. She is going to request Monday’s off. It sounds like it is something she wants to do
Wade: programs chair, you Ciera would plan what Ucypaa would look like. We need to have our hotels chair. You would coordinate with events to plan what that conference would look like with the conference. We should get ahold of Jordan lee because he has a jet ski company, and we could find a location with water.
Unity if you could start planing an event.
Bowling, crystal hot springs.
Ian: what do you think about this weekend?
Mark: all star lanes, bonwood
(Rich showed up)
Wade: it’s up to you
Ian: would Saturday nights work?
(Ramble ramble yes)
Wade: it doesn’t matter what our opinion is it is you planning. We need to come up with a theme for Ucypaa
Dave: boiled as an owl
James: second
Maggie: ok we need to come up with two more
Ciera: I’m googling things
Dave: “celebrating no more getting tight” dr bobs story
Ciera: more will be revealed
Mark: we are not saints
Wade: we have done that
Wade: “they are not at fault”
James, “the only requirement”
Dave: “trudging the road”
Maggie; island theme, “There is an island of opportunity in the middle of ever”
Everyone: we could do a lot with the owl idea. Night owl
*Motion to table and think of the name over this week.
Second, all in favor, pass
Wade: I think “more will be revealed” would be a great one for wacypaa
Maggie woah: My bad, I forgot there is a meeting format. Motion to skip the begining readings and go to reports due to time?
*second, all in favor, pass
Chair reports Wade: SALTYPAA wants us to be more active in their events. If you are not involved in their events get on it. We need to support their events because we are a part of their committee. People need to think about wacypaa and Ucypaa themes. Bring people to be members at large. It’s a good way for them to be of service. We have a good group of people and a good spirit and I don’t think it would be a miserable experience for anybody. Third report. If you or your co chair can’t come one of you needs to come and communicate. Maggie will put together a phone list to distribute. If you don’t have a co chair get one. This will be the only month we meet weekly. Then we will go to one a month and we will re amp meetings when we come closer to YPAA events. We need to put together a skit for Ucypaa and wacypaa
Maggie: what exactly is a skit?
Wade: when wacypaa did their first one we used “if you are out there” we did interviews and Tara sand in the arms of an angel and we posted pictures of people who passed that year, then we went on into an interview with people with time explaining why wacypaa should come to Utah and we ended with John legends if you are out there and danced. It worked. Everyone was crying. Emotional terrorism
Treasure Dave: we have 36.00 we need to talk about how we are going to distribute. Most meetings give 50 for rent and 50 for other things. Also going on from here that should be the format.
Hotels and Facilities: ABSENT
Outreach Sarah: nothing to report
Events Lauryn: ABSENT
Arts and Graphics: N/A
In-reach Chair Mark/ Co-chair Jake: Nothing to report
Programs Chair Ciera/ Co-chair Ashley ABSENT: nothing to report
New business:
Dave: motion to give half of 7th tradition to red eye. Other half towards unity
Second, all in favor, pass
Wade: I’ll entertain a motion on meeting the first Monday of every month starting in march, and the month before we bid meeting every Monday
(insert the new buisness that I wrote before i realized i forgot the format)
Wade: we are trying to figure out what we are going to do for the Ucypaa bid
We need a slogan or theme, a location, and a logo
Ciera: I talked to Kyra about arts and graphics co chair m. We need someone who has access to printing
Wade: we could access a printer
Cierra: she normally works 4-midnight, she is on her way now. She is going to request Monday’s off. It sounds like it is something she wants to do
Wade: programs chair, you Ciera would plan what Ucypaa would look like. We need to have our hotels chair. You would coordinate with events to plan what that conference would look like with the conference. We should get ahold of Jordan lee because he has a jet ski company, and we could find a location with water.
Unity if you could start planing an event.
Bowling, crystal hot springs.
Ian: what do you think about this weekend?
Mark: all star lanes, bonwood
(Rich showed up)
Wade: it’s up to you
Ian: would Saturday nights work?
(Ramble ramble yes)
Wade: it doesn’t matter what our opinion is it is you planning. We need to come up with a theme for Ucypaa
Dave: boiled as an owl
James: second
Maggie: ok we need to come up with two more
Ciera: I’m googling things
Dave: “celebrating no more getting tight” dr bobs story
Ciera: more will be revealed
Mark: we are not saints
Wade: we have done that
Wade: “they are not at fault”
James, “the only requirement”
Dave: “trudging the road”
Maggie; island theme, “There is an island of opportunity in the middle of ever”
Everyone: we could do a lot with the owl idea. Night owl
*Motion to table and think of the name over this week.
Second, all in favor, pass
Wade: I think “more will be revealed” would be a great one for wacypaa
If you no show twice your position becomes open
Motion to table, second, pass
7th tradition:
Motion to close, motion to close, second