

excused absence: Ian, Jack, Jake

1)Serenity prayer
2)Wacypaa facts aims and purposes (no mas) second all in favor pass
4)Read minutes from last meeting
5)roll call Vote to accept minutes

6)Chair reports

ChaiR WADE: get co people filled, in reports please acknowledge assignment. After we vote for location we will get busy putting together bid packet. Goal is a month so we can move onto wacypaa. Check with your co chairs. Once we get busy it will be important to communicate.

Co-chair RICH: I went to the SALTYPAA meeting.

Secretary MAGGIE: SALTYPAA meeting was good, sarah is our flier and graphics chair, we need to get more involved with our actual committee and get people involved too.

Treasure DAVE: I also went to the saltypaa meeting. And there were somethings, we need to discuss as a group what our monetary goals are and how we are going to reach those. We need to do more financial planning. Travel to YPAA events. When we go to our bid and have our act and need props that would be on the committee mitees dime. We will need more than just copies. It would be nice if we had a little bit of money in case it comes up.
Wade: the only time we need money is if we are raising money for SALTYPAA. We put together bid packets and present our bid.
Dave: we need to help with events and raising money
Mark: if we bid and get wacypaa don’t they help support?
Wade: they have seed money and then we have a whole year to raise money. Advisory knows you won’t already have a lot, most the money is made the weekend of that conference.
Dave: we need to come up with a financial plan.

Facilities and hotels CHRIS/JACK: Charles did homework:
Charles: I am going to look at kens lake, and on the other side of the ridge is primitive camping, there are hotels five miles into town. There is no drinkable water. There is a hostel on the edge of town. There is a man made cave that we could have the speaker set in.

East of Moab is slick rock. Massive. 110 campgrounds. I’m waiting for BLM to get back to me. Kens lake

Kriss: mark looked up sand hollow
Mark: full shower hookups, it is 20 minutes outside of st George. Water. There is also a beach for people who don’t have money for rentals.

Kriss: Smith and Moore house reservoir , see old notes.
Bear lake is the same rates. Only difference is that bear lake has an amphitheater.

Wade: if there is a place with hotels and a conference center we could use the conference rooms.

Outreach SARAH/CHARLES/ETHAN: nothing to report

Events KELBY/BRENNAN: I’m working on getting a co chair.
Gsl JOHN L: I should have a recommendation letter in by the end of the week.

Arts and graphics:n/a

Programs chair CIERA/ASHLEY: nothing to report

Inreach chair MARK/JAKE: I have been talking to Ucypaa they want us to have a hamburger and hotdog event at valley camp. If you guys can outreach to people let them know what we are doing.
Wade: can someone get ahold of our sister fellowship. And ask him if we can get a letter of recommendation from Doug R.
Mark: I do, I will reach out to them.
Wade: every letter of support, rehab facilities, sister fellowships, everything we can put into it will benefit the conference. District and area level, and delegates s

Lgbtq chair BRYCE: Karma can’t make it, I’m going to start looking for someone else. Nothing else to report.

H&I CHLOE/DEVIN: nothing to report

Unity IAN/ADAM: Ian is busy tonight. I need an idea of how much money people can spend for unity events. We talked too golf but it’s too expensive. We were thinking of fast karts, we could all fit. It’s like $20 a person. I need a number of what we can spend.

7)Old business vote on Ucypaa location:

Sand hollow:12 slick rock, slick rock: lens lake: 10 smith and morehouse: 5 bear lake: 5

Sand hollow or Kens lake
Sand hollow: 12 lens lake: 4


Programs start working with hotels and facilities
Events start working with SALTYPAA and hotels and facilities
Everyone work with treasure to get budget organized

8.) New business: can we in our group raise money to take committee members to wacypaa? Get recommendation letters. Fast karts
Motion to have members who know district and area level people to get letters of support.

Bring logo ideas flier jackets memorabilia ect

Motion for logo competition: winner gets free t-shirt and registration.

9)Seventh tradition $16 8/8


11)Close with prayer

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