Opened at 12:10pm with serenity prayer
Clara- Secretary
Aria- Greeter
Shelly- Treasurer
Kole- 3rd legacy
James- Webmaster
Dance is coming together
- DJ is confirmed
La Europa meeting is active, we will be there next on 1.11.22
Trevin is stepping down as merch/GSL
Read Meeting minutes, passed.
- Checking: $873.08
- There is some cash that’s yet to be deposited
- January’s rent is paid
- $63 spent on unity event, surplus of $65 from event
- Some bank logistics need to be figured out, and venmo is not yet resolved
Unity event was a success. Ash placed first, and James placed second. Thanks to all who planned it!
James made the flyer and printed some. FB page is a business page, unable to make it a private page. Minutes are up to date, flyer is up on site and FB page.
Old business:
Winter formal-
Church is locked in for winter formal, check needs to be dropped off and contract signed.
Raffle items are still needed. Grant is taking lead on food. Shelly will create a floorplan for our décor and photo booth and work on making design ideas for décor.
No update on shirts, Shelly may take this project on.
50/50 raffle added, details to come.
New Business:
Current page is a FB business page, there is motion to create a new SALTYPAA private page.
Motion passes!
Motion to close at 12:45