SALTYPAA Committee Minutes 12/17/17
Events (September/Tom): Loosely based freetime show??
4 corners SWACYPAA Event in April for us to participate in April 27-28
Valentines to be event is main planning event, weekend of the 9th-11th of February
Programs (Kelby): N/A
Facilities (Johnathon): Proposed that we tour the campsite, weather conditions permitting.
Beverages (Spencer): Nothing to report
Decorations (Pall): N/A
Memorabilia (Grady): [not present]
Treasury (Forrest): Nothing new to report; roughly $1500 in treasury. Orem YPAA donated $200 dollars. Venmo/paypal account set up successfully.
Outreach (Jameson/Nico): [not present]
Bomb Squad (Christian): Bomb Squad hitting the Provo Young at Heart 8pm this week, planning a subcommittee meeting TBD to plan out other meetings to hit.
Communications (Mark): Setting up gateway for registration.
Food Committee (Brian): Committee was formed; Brian C. stood for chair. Anders S. stood to be on sub-committee.
Taylor: Motion to accept pre-reg $25 with 2 meals. Brian 2nded, motion passed, no objections.
Service Committee (Brian): Brian has been getting positions filled
Graphics (Gibson): Taylor double checking with Gibson before we send it out
Greetings (Johnny): [Johnny not present]
Tickets (Pat O, Anders): [Pat]: “nothing new to report.”.
H+I (Albie): Nothing to Report
Next meeting set for Sunday 12/31