UCPYAA Committee Minutes 2/25/18

UCPYAA Committee Meeting 2/25/18

Programs (Kelby): Asking for help with scheduling/procuring speakers. 2 local, 1 spiritual, 1 night.

Unit event planned for March 3rd; Crystal Hot Springs.

Listening Party scheduled for Marc 11th; time TBD by committee.

Taylor motions to reimburse outreach/Bomb Squad for UCYPAA business cards/poster; seconded and passed.

Service Liaison (Brian): n/a

Outreach (Jameson/Nico): will announce next

Website (Mark/Avery): Facebook hosted website for UCYPAA? Taylor suggest frequent postings/ad campaign to encourage pre-reg

Events (September/Tom): suggests having booth for registration at Candlelight Spring Fling event (March 24th) $10, 8:00 PM Alano club.

Secretary (Christina): no report

Greetings (Johnny): nothing to report.

H+I (Brian): requested contact list, ripped SALTYPAA at area 69 assembly, spoke to area 12 (spanish speaking UT) about attending their YPAA event.

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