3/8 Minutes

Call to order
No old business
Lisa- So for a financial report for the valentine’s event we only spent money on food, drinks, and fliers. We never used our budget for prizes since we used giveaway items. Since venmo technical problems are in the way, hard numbers can’t be confirmed yet.
we made 156 in cash, broke even plus 11 dollars
We currently have $1995 approximately in the bank, pending reimbursements %$1685.35 in the bank.
Sean Events Report- I thought the event went better than I was expecting. I know it was planned well. Speaking to others, there is an idea of what an AA event should be that is middle school dance like. Thinking on it, hikes, camping, and such are better. CA and Candlelight do what we’re attempting well, and it makes no sense to be competing with them.
Jake- I vote we focus on what brings us revenue and also not being concerned with all of addicts, but rather young alcoholics.
Cassidy- I’m wondering when we are going to go over the by-laws since we have discussed doing this before.
Nikki- Since third legacy dropped out, that initiative dropped out
Lisa- Back to Sean’s point, I agree with doing smaller events that are more fellowship. We can worry about fundraising when we need it but the smaller events are better.
Jonathan- It makes no sense to be doing the exact thing as no one would want to go to the same event twice. We also want to coordinate more with other sober bodies for bids and other events.
Taylor- There are only so many big holidays that we can try and do the dance or rager like events around but camping or hiking can be an any weekend event.
Jonathan- It’s also true that if we go with this model that we don’t necessarily need to be an all year around model
Taylor- It’s also true that UCYPAA doesn’t hold a monopoly on campouts
Cassidy- On that, are we aware of the CA campout that they did last year
Jonathan- Well there’s the GOD campout and a few others.
Taylor- We don’t need to be worried about that scale
Jake- Well UCYPAA is in june, if we are worried about doing a campout wouldn’t it be better to do one in August. Also, has anyone even heard anything from them?
Jonathan- We know they’re doing the event, but they haven’t reached out to us. As far as camping, we’re just talking about camping not necessarily a campout.
Jake- I’m concerned about the increased time commitment that’s involved with that.
Jonathan- It doesn’t require a whole weekend, and I wasn’t thinking to do more than one night.
Jake- Riley can I ask you a question, as someone newly sober what sounds fun?
Riley- hikes, camping, fireside meetings.
Jonathan- So a sunset living room hike and then do a meeting at the top.
Forrest- It’s also true that we don’t have to divorce ourselves from the idea of big ragers but go with that being a every so often
Cassidy- What about doing also art nights, minus the wine.
Taylor- What we’re describing and what we really are lacking in Salt Lake is a hangout style version of things
Jonathan- I have an idea, who wants to come to my place this saturday for pie day
Nikki- I really agree with that, when I came here the heart of this was missing. We were very business oriented and such. But I love the idea of it not being a structured thing.
Jake- So what are we doing going forward, are we doing WAC, SWAC or are we going to bid for UCY again?
Taylor- So boseman got WAC and have been bidding for 3 years. We just have to keep bidding.
Jake- So if we are bidding, then we need to be thinking about it much more in advance.
Nikki- It sounds like we’re building up our identity. Maybe we shouldn’t overextend ourselves and focus more on getting our heart by planning small things.
Jake- I don’t know if this is going to change anything but the pacific rim forum is going to be in utah is 2021ish.
Taylor- It’s also possible that we could pitch to Candlelight that they take on UCYPAA.
Forrest- Can i ask about the continuation of us meeting at Rise and Grind because the point of having somewhere for southern people as an outreach move isn’t working
Jonathan- The problem is that we don’t announce that we’re meeting here
Taylor- Rather than embrace announcement fatigue, I think we need to go with a grass roots movement where we spread the word through word of mouth.
Jake- But it’s also true that we need to have direction in this
Jonathan- As communication, if you find people who want to be involved but not a member, getting someone’s email is enough to blast them with information
Riley- What CA is does is know the owners of sober livings and reach out to them, do you reach out to treatment?
Taylor- Yes, we’ve done so and had big success with that.
Nikki- So Pi Day, do we have a time?
Jonathan- I need to speak with roommates and confirm but I would love it to be at 3:14 PM.
Nikki- So motion to table the biweekly speaker meeting-
Motion passes
Cassidy- So I’m curious if we should get involved in the Rehab committee since they have such a need right now
Jake- Another thing is that there are Area events that we need to get involved in
Taylor- I think the big thing is that we just focus on building our group
Jonathan- We’re gonna get asked that question about why we don’t do these things in a WAC bid, but we just need to make ourselves available
Lisa- I would like to make a motion to have a budget to get checks.
Jonathan- that isn’t a motion since it is part of your job description but since we cannot log in to venmo currently because of an old phone number we need a new account.
Motion to close- Passes