7-18-21 Meeting Minutes

  • Third legacy discussion: 7th tradition (Jake mentioned we already did this one)
  • Collected 7th tradition for group
  • Discuss august and September events –> do we have the enthusiasm to do both?
  • Spencer is not available to help out on the committee à does that mean our registration was cancelled for campsite?
  • It was never registered à cancel campout
  • Alano club is doing a July 31st event so we cannot do the karaoke open mic night
  • At august event (field day) promote September elections
  • Need to satisfy district 10 commitment in august (21st) à jake will post info in slack
  • People showing up for commitments have been inconsistent
  • We should not take on more than we can follow through on
  • Planning should not fall on the shoulders of a few
  • We’re not organized enough for campout, it takes a lot of upfront work; we need people to pre-reg
  • Field day is on for august 14th at murray park, pavilion 5 (forest reserved for $100)
    • Set up at 5pm
    • Food and activities at 6pm
    • Speaker at 8pm
  • We should have an event committee that is separate from the regular SALTYPAA committee à ariea wants to be a part of that
  • Election date à will be determined next time
  • Someone needs to make flyer for field day before next week
    • $10 suggested donation
    • Cassidy will make the flyer
  • Treasurers report
    • Do not have final numbers for fallen homies event
    • Lisa returned the lanterns for $80
    • We have $386.43 in the account
      • This is what we can use for the upcoming event
      • Budget around $150 for food
    • We have $600 in prudent reserve
  • Committee will meet next Sunday, 7/25 at 2pm in the alano club