3rd legacy took place at 11:40.
Kole- 3rd Legacy
Shelly- Treasurer
Lisa- Chair
Bradley- events
Grant- Events
Clara- Secretary
James- Webmaster
Ariea- Greeter/Unity
Matt- Outreach
Read minutes, minutes passed
Swacypaa chair reached out to Lisa, they are hosting the event in St. George on July 28-31 at Hilton Garden Inn. Volunteers needed to be of service at the conference. Saltypaa could host marathon meeting slots at conference. Lisa will find flyers for SWACYPAA to spread the word. Possibly co-host a dodgeball tournament with them.
UCYPAA is back in motion, possible collaboration with their committee for future events.
Thanks to committee for coming together on Winter Formal event!
Vacant positions will be filled after Lisa reaches out to those people.
La Europa meeting:
Next meeting takes place on Tuesday February 8th at 7pm.
Lisa and Matt will go, sign up sheet still available.
Cash was deposited into checking
$1,056.88 in checking
$600 in prudent, $102 in petty cash. Rent at the club is paid.
Lost $26.20 from Winter Formal.
$555.20 in costs, made $529 in registration/food/raffle.
For future events, making an effort to stay in budget and be mindful of how much we purchase could help.
3rd legacy:
First Sunday of the month at 11:30.
No report, will continue to spread word about talent show.
Private YPAA groups are great ways to “network”.
Minutes are up to date. Did not make change for FB page to become private, will make this happen eventually.
No report.
Saltypaa’s Got Talent:
February 26th is open for the venue.
We need 3-4 hours at $60 an hour.
New Business:
Ariea made motion to switch to GroupMeet, Kole seconded.
Motion Passed. 6 yes, no nay, 1 abstention.
Lisa will make this switch.
Shelly nominated Grant for Events Chair.
Motion passed.
SALTYPAA’s Got Talent:
-Chili Cookoff
-Reuse decorations from last event
-Should we use the club instead? Fellowship hall?
-Moving date back to March?
-Ariea will connect with fellowship hall to find a date and price
$80 for the whole night.
March 11th in the evening.
Hike after next weeks business meeting, open to outside SALTYPAA.
Meeting Adjourned at 1pm.