Present: Josh M, Lisa C, William M, Jake S, Brian C, Jonathan H, Gibson, Stefanie, Forrest P, James H,
The meeting opens at 11:10 following the traditions discussion.
Mark informs the group that Central Office has asked us to hold our committee meetings elsewhere; there have been consistent complaints about us leaving a mess in the kitchen following our meetings.
The committee discusses other possible venues for the Committee meetings: Fellowship Hall, Alano Club, someone’s house in the interim.
The committee discusses the upcoming WACYPAA bid this weekend.
The committee discusses the bid process at WAC. The committee discusses setting up something for outreach at WACYPAA.
Mark asks the group for volunteers to chair the outreach table for UCYPAA at WAC. James H volunteers to assist.
Motion to close early [Mark N], seconded [Brian C]; passes unanimously.
Meeting closes early at 11:40.