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In May of 2023, the Utah Conference of Young People in AA (UCYPAA) had it’s campout in Starvation State Park where multiple YPAA committees and friends from across the state came together to celebrate recovery from alcoholism. At this campout, two committees (MSUMYPAA and SALTYPAA) put together bids to become the next host of the…
9/20/20 Meeting Minutes
Pre-meeting conversation Budget – Cisco has $100 for the event for refreshments Jake: in the future we want to avoid holding events in conflict with the general assembly (which area 69 is next weekend; same as our BBQ). Open with the serenity prayer Elections Open positions Communications: no one stood for position prayer person: Cody…
SALTYPAA 2020 Elections
Welcome all Nikki: My plan for this meeting is to run through the by-laws and give a description of positions. Since there aren’t many people on the dot should we wait for others to join? Forrest: Sure Forrest: Should we just start so that for the new people we aren’t just sitting around waiting? Nikki:…
7/12 Minutes
As part of agenda, we’ll revisit last months financial decisions and discuss zoom game night and camping Last month our meeting experienced technical difficulties because of zoom. The secretary was delivering these announcements but with the treasurer here tonight she can deliver her report. Treasurer Report- The current issue is that the groups accounts are…
Young and Sober: Zac’s Story
This interview was done through messenger, and transcribed over to this format. SALTYPAA: Why did you choose to get sober, initially? Zac: My drinking had become so destructive and caused so much chaos in my life that the happiness it once brought me was no longer there. SALTYPAA: What is your sobriety date? I know…
Upcoming committee meetings
The SaLTYPAA committee meets every second Sunday at Rise and Grind Coffee in Midvale at 6pm. We also meet at other times and locations as needed. This post is updated regularly to announce where and when. 1/19/2020 – 6pm @ Forrest’s house. Email or DM in the Facebook group for the address 1/26/2020 – 6pm…
12/1 Committee Minutes
12/1 Saltypaa Bid Committee meeting to order Old Business SALTYPAA Marathon Meeting Meeting is selected for 7am on Friday Hospitality Election 10 am to 12pm on Friday, specifically guilt anyone who doesn’t help with the marathon meeting Status on Bid Packet Nick needs assistance Service Letter- Currently in the works but DCM is writing us…
Committee Meeting Minutes 11/10/2019
Old Business Flyers and Business cards – Jonathan, todo by Wednesday WACYPAA bid theme had been tabled for thoughtful consideration Bylaws subcommittee was created to update the text Theme discussion We don’t really like “I am responsible” as a group assembled. We want more people to be present to have a reasonable discussion. Motioned to…
Committee Meeting Minutes 10/13/19
Old Business Anyone who is interested in attending the Boise Halloween Event is welcome to join An option exists to attend the LVYPAA Scavenger Event Candlelight is at this time not planning any sort of event Stonewall will be having a Drag Event, sober not AA on November 7th that we are welcome to collaborate…