September 29th
Brian- Third Legacy
Jake- Service Liason
Taylor- Outreach
Alex- Facilities
Forrest- Secretary
Nikki- Chair
Nick- Treasurer
William-Prayer Chair
Cassidy- Newsletter/ Refreshments
Gibson- Programs
Open Positions
1st Meeting-
St. George has UCYPAA
Discussion on theme of wacypaa bid I AM RESPONSIBLE- dual diagnosis, where we have a role in reaching out to underserved/underrepresented communities
What is a sketch? How we frame the theme of our conference bid to the committee
Ideas- Service Olympics, Accessibility, Minority communities
What WACYPAA needs to see from us- An actual hotel contract and proof of outreach
Vote to table the vote on a theme so new ideas can be brought to next meeting
Stonewall Drag Show Cohost/ Reach out to members and ask how to coordinate with them
Candlelight Cohost/ Find out what they are planning and create a working relationship
Boise Halloween Event
New Business
Jake- To have Area and District people know how to get involved when announcing, we should have at least one committed meeting a month (i.e. first sunday) for people to attend.
Motion to make an official Saltypaa meeting every Second Sunday of the month
Motion Passes
Discussion of New Events
Movie Marathon
Monte Carlo
Fear Factory- Motion to announce Fear Factory October 19th at 7- Motion Passes
Need for quarterly events
Brian- We need to work through a service liason to reach out to central office, area, and districts so that we have that working relationship with AA organization
Jake- Plan was to rotate districts each month
New logo created by Nick
Motion to adopt it as new official logo
Motion Passed
Cassidy is new drinks chair
Motion to make payment to Alano Club a flat rate
Motion Passed
Motion to Close