Meeting starts at 8:07 pm
1)Serenity prayer
2)Wacypaa facts aims and purposes
4)Read minutes from last meeting
5)roll call Vote to accept minutes
6)Chair reports
Chair WADE: if you don’t have a – get a co-chair and communicate with them. Get them to come to the meeting for our group house. I’m trying to get the old wacypaa bylaws from John so we can see how the committee needs to be run. I’ll be having some motions in new business. That’s my stuff, most my stuff will be in business
Co-chair RICH: none
Secretary MAGGIE: I made the phone list, if you didn’t get an email with it I don’t have your email and talk to me after the meeting
Treasure DAVE: 7th tradition
Facilities and hotels CHRIS/JACK: I have a few locations pulled up for campsites for SLC area. I got contact info from Andy for sugared, have some ideas for a water front.
Outreach SARAH: I reached out to people I know here who have connections in other states and getting some contacts networked
Arts and graphics: N/A
Programs chair CIERA/ASHLEY: nothing new but I’m thinking of people I could ask to be speakers
Inreach chair MARK/JAKE: none
Lgbtq chair BRYCE: I asked karma if she would be interested in participating as co-chair but she is sick tonight and couldn’t make it
H&I CHLOE: nothing to report
Unity IAN: we all met up and we went to a movie, old Greg
7)Old business:
Wade: the first hung we discussed is themes, meeting days and attendance.
Attendance first
Cierra: I think two is too many,
Dave: if it’s monthly and you miss two, that is a hit.
Wade: I’m thinking of doing weekly so we can get on our feet we will talk about that in new business, traditionally it’s 2, but it should be three
Dave: monthly, have it be 2 weekly, 3
Wade: weekly or monthly
Ramble: down for weekly until on our feet until we have our shit together
Wade: back two no show total,
Dave, that doesn’t make any sense, if you don’t show up then seven months later you don’t show that is ridiculous, I agree with two in a row
Wade: two in a row, three total absences means your position is vacated
wade: theme, boiled as an owl.
Mark: I would like to table it one more week
Dave: god campout
Wade: it’s not a sanctioned aa thing
Wade: theme for wacypaa, table it
8)New buisness-make list of positions available and share
Mark: talk to people and feel them out, keep announcements short. Give them Jake and marks information
Wade: attendance enforced next week
Maggie: text to people every Sunday
Dave: idea for a campout
Wade: idea for Ucypaa goblin valley would be bad ass
Just something to look at Kris. I also would suggest looking for other options for a co-chair.
They have to understand that they have to be here every week. Also if you can’t travel out of the country get someone who can go
Kris: how many options do you want for Ucypaa locations?
Wade: three
Group ramble 3+, 5
Kriss: the only reason I ask is because we have 150 sites that fit the regulations I want a few so we can have specific ones rotating around and make an educated decision to go to.
Wade: can this place hold this many people, hotel, pavilion, ect obviously we will have one we will really want to do it at
Rich: may I make a suggestion, pick your top ten
Wade: also, we should send some people to SALTYPAAs meeting treasure
Dave where is it?
Rich: I’ll go
Maggie: I can remind you
Wade: Dave should definitely go, rich please go, everyone who should go should go. Can I have a raise of hands who doesn’t have a co chair, can you guys get them to come to the next meeting?
9)Seventh tradition $11 total
11)Close with prayer
Meeting ends at 8:32 pm