UCPYAA Committee Meeting 1/28/18
Pat J motion to start, opened with Buddhist prayer.
Taylor passed around a signup sheet for people to volunteer to pre-reg treatment centers.
Moab april 27-29; presented that we attend as a large group. 7 committee members volunteer for the trip.
Forrest: motion to reserve $500 in treasury; motion passed.
Third Legacy: split motion to have various members talk on.
Service Liaison (Brian): no reports to share
Outreach (Jameson): Nico and Jameson have out and are remaking contact with new meetings.
Taylor presents question of how we can get more pre-reg.
September presents that we go to more meetings out of our normal schedule.
Pre-reg for UCYPAA is now live.
Christina offered to make sign for pre-reg website.
Conversation on starting small with our home groups/FTR/BYP
Outreach/Bomb Squad (Christian): Dixie winterfest, 2/24.
Communications (Mark/Avery): Taylor: “we should bombard peoples’ facebooks and other YPAA groups for pre-reg; once a week announcement.” September volunteered to help.
Unity (Piper): Piper resigned.
Events (September): Spring Fling (Candlelight): Monday march 26(?) Contact: Sam: (801)-921-1701
Programs (Kelby): not present; do we have to help him pick a date/find speakers?
Facilities (Johnathon): nothing to report.
Merchandise (Grady): not present
Graphics (Gibson): Making pre-registration flyer and Facebook.
Tickets (Pat O, Anders): not present
H+I: Brian voted as new H+I chair
Next meeting: looking at meeting date/speakers
Motion to give bomb squad money for trip to St George; passes, allocated $99.99 [not $100]
Treasurer’s report:
Event revenue: including venom, poker, raffle, drinks, entrance: $300.50
-$100 rent paid
-$50 decorations paid
-$24.39 food expenses
= $126.11 total profit.
Current amount from UCYPAA pre-reg: $125