UCPYAA Committee Minutes 1/14/18
New Person Introduction: Sabrina & Sia massive amounts of hellos and hi
Treasury Report (Forrest): Nothing new to report
Service (Brian): Actively working with coordinating. Sabrina stood for co-chair.
Memorabilia (Grady): [not present]
Outreach (Jameson/Nico): Nico contacting central offices in other districts
Taylor (chair): Spoke with CA delegate about announcing our events AFTER their meetings got the OK
Anders: Coordinating with bomb squad to arrange for a table at Dixiefest
Communications (Mark): Nothing new to report
Events (September/Tom): Events has set date for Heart of Darkness speaker game night for Saturday February 10th. Speaker at 7pm, games to follow.
Facilities (Johnathon): Heart of Darkness game night will be at St. James Episcopal church 7486 Union Park Avenue
Beverages (Spencer): STILL HAVE DRINKS!
Decorations (Pall): No report
Greeting (Johnny): “Doing great.”
H&I (Albie): No report, on vacation.
Unity (Piper): Tentative date of 1/19 for Unity event to Crystal hot springs.
Food (Brian): Priced meals out as of today at $6 for each registration
Prayer (Pat J): prayed successfully.
Next meeting set for Sunday 1/28