Old Business
Anyone who is interested in attending the Boise Halloween Event is welcome to join
An option exists to attend the LVYPAA Scavenger Event
Candlelight is at this time not planning any sort of event
Stonewall will be having a Drag Event, sober not AA on November 7th that we are welcome to collaborate on
Question: What are the ethics of being involved in an event that is sober but not AA?
Nothing is official official but we choose as a group where to be involved.
Maxwell has put forward a plan to host a party at fellowship hall that we could collaborate on with the goal of raised funds going towards fellowship.
This now raises concerns about what sort of event we want to affiliate with considering what is and isn’t acceptable
Motion is raised to co-host the “Death by Disco” event thrown by Stonewall
Motion passes
Discussion prompted on what the barometer is for our being considered for the WACYPAA bid
Point raised on having us be both organized and able to scale up to host a multiple thousand person event
A final point made on us having a clear focus on only participating in 12 step programs
New Business
The Stonewall Group has a food sign up sheet for the Drag Event
We have the opportunity to participte
Motion raised to have our sign up sheet to be involved
Motion Passed
District 11 is ecstatic about us as a group and has an interest in getting a young people phone list and a flyer to advertise us as a resource for young people
Decision made to provide flyers and business cards to the district
Issue raised with our group Fear Factory Event surrounding group rates
Need to reformat how and when we create this event
Events will contact Fear Factory and how we get a group rate and what their least busy day is
New date and time will be given via Slack
Lee stands for Memoribillia Chair- Is voted into the position
Ryder stands for Decorations Chair- Is voted in
Lisa stands for Greeter Chair- Is voted in
Motion raised to create a subcommittee to review and revise by-laws for group consideration
Motion Passes
Next Meeting will be on November 10th with the next agenda being a hotel contract etc.