What do we want to see SALTYPAA do the next couple of months?
Lisa: let’s do some unity events and get to know each other; hype up to attract more people.
Ariea: we will have an events person at some point but as a group we can work together to create an event. Everyone should come with ideas; let’s bring fellowship to SLC young people.
Forest: outdoor style events would be good for current situation. Softball league? Volleyball tournament? A field day! Kickball.
Joni – potluck, everyone brings something to contribute; it is starting to get colder outside
Ariea: karaoke at the alano club à respect your elders (Alano club board appreciation event)
BBQ for September
Budget – $200-$300
Luke and Trevin will price out food at Costco
Trevin has a minivan to pick up food
Booked for $90
Forrest lives near the park and can store items prior to event
Saturday 9/26
Grill burgers and hotdogs; throwing an event like that to fundraise would be an easy thing to do.
Covid rules around serving food
Forrest knows someone with grill; Kole has one
Cisco: will oversee drinks
We have an inventory of past energy drinks.
Plan for 50 attendees or under to be in alignment with Covid restrictions
Charge an entry fee to fundraise; suggested donation, no one turned away
Next steps for BBQ
visit meetings to make announcements
Meet up next weekend (Sunday, 9/20; time TBD) to continue planning
Come up with activities at the next meeting
touch based on what everyone has done, what we need to do before the 26th
More new business
Lisa: treasurer, we have $1,718.41 in the bank
Motion (Lisa): spend $109 on a PO box for SALTYPAA
Forest seconds
Our bank account, credit card, other accounts are linked to old treasurers and their addresses. The PO box will be put on the bank account so it rotates smoothly.