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- Campout mid august?
- Aug 13-15th
- Location? Bear lake?
- Need a reservation
- Jake is events and could be ‘in charge’ of location
- Trevin will help jake with location – they will reserve a location by next meeting.
- If we cannot find a weekend in august, find one in September
- We need a way to collect pre-reg for the campout online to use for funds for the event.
- How much for reg?
- Campout price?
- 2 meals?
- Beverages for sale
- Smores?
- $25-$30?
- UCYPAA only did one meal and charged $25 for 2 nights but were under money
- Breakfast? Muffins, coffee?
- 30-40 people?
- Lisa needs to get square set up with forest’s help
- Area even august 21st – 22nd
- Elections after campout
- Theme: happy joyous and free? Future of AA; I am responsible; 4 horsemen; flimsy reed; how it works
- If we don’t have a reservation for location by next Sunday, we’ll scrap the campout
- Other options:
- Raffle, donations from members
- Baked ziti or pancakes with traditions panel
- Water balloons, slip and slide
- Sober dance/ homecoming