Committee Meeting Minutes 1/27/19

UCYPAA Committee Meeting Minutes

Present: Mark N, Brian C, Jake S, Cassidy M, Josh M, William M, Stefanie, Maxwell, Taylor H, Owen G, Janessa, Trevor, Forrest, Jonathan H


Josh (Inreach): Josh attended Candlelight’s committee meeting. Josh reports that the committee is currently ~3 members and doesn’t have an understanding of the event they were being asked to run at the Eat Your Heart Out event (Speed Fellowship). Mark suggests that a member of the Candlelight Committee speaks on the main panel at the event. 

Taylor (outreach): There is an outreach sheet that will be passed around the committee meeting for us to volunteer and sign up to announce the upcoming event. Mark asks group members to add an extra meeting (to which they don’t normally go) to help outreach to people who wouldn’t otherwise hear about the event. Taylor says Outreach are looking to start a phone list for Secretaries of meetings to facilitate outreach in the future. Mark says he’s spoken to Nate from HVYPAA about the importance of outreach to The Palace (an AA clubhouse in Orem). Taylor says that bombsquad will reach out to committee members to give them the opportunity to attend. There is further discussion surrounding a script for announcing. Taylor suggests members don’t “tell” other members what their YPAA experience is/will be in the announcements.  Mark reminds the group that we want all members of AA to feel included, so to make sure that it’s clear that all are welcome. 

Stefanie (events): Stefanie asks for a show of hands of people intending to show up to the Events subcommittee: James, Maxwell, Josh, Jake, Janessa, Trevor, Cassidy. Stefanie is looking for prospective speakers for the Love Hurts panel. The committee reminds her to make an effort towards gender parity; we would like at least one woman on the panel.  Elizabeth (the Raffles chair) couldn’t be here tonight, Steph will be taking any feedback from committee members with prospective leads for raffle prizes.

Facilities: Tom and Mark are going to talk to Ruby Inn in the next few days, pre-registration will be online tomorrow. 

Unity (William): William wants to plan a pancake breakfast event but doesn’t have a location/transportation. Stefanie volunteers her new apartment to host. The committee discusses prospective dates and decides on the 3rd of March; Dixie winter fest precludes doing the Unity event any sooner (if we’re going to do it after the V-day event). There is conversation surrounding the appropriate way to subsidize the Unity event; the conscience of the group is that we pass a collections basket at the Unity event to pay for it. Mark will loan William the money to buy supplies and will be reimbursed by the collections basket. 

Treasurer (Forrest): “We haven’t done anything with the money.” Forrest asks the subcommittee chairs to get him their budgets, and reminds them to keep their receipts for 

Mark makes a motion to pay a recurring $6 for coffee/tip [seconded variously]; motion passes unanimously. 

Mark makes a motion to budget the money for coffee cups [seconded variously]; motion passes unanimously. 

Taylor suggests that, having a handful of new members in the group, we discuss open service positions.

Trevor volunteers for Registration, Cassidy volunteers for Graphics/Fliers. 

The group finds the definitions of the available positions in the committee Bylaws and reads them to the prospective committee Chairs. 

There is group discussion about shirts/gear to be sold, and whether or not to attempt ordering them prior to the Vday event. There is discussion over what items to sell, how many, etc. The committee talks about the success of the UCYPAA mugs we sold last year and how successful we were in selling them. There is discussion surrounding what the march graphics ought to be/what is appropriate for us to publish. A handful of committee members voice concern with the propriety of the condom flyers.

Motion to budget $200 for merch [Mark], seconded variously; Owen objects. There is discussion surrounding the delegation of responsibilities for Owen [Merch Committee Chair] and Mark [UCYPAA Chair].

Owen explains his objection. Mark calls another vote; the motion fails. 

Cassidy suggests making a deadline for creation of the mugs for the Feb 16th event date. 

Owen asks for clarification of his role vs. Mark’s, expressing a desire to participate more actively in the creation of merch. Conversation clarifies expectations for Owen and Mark.

Chair: Mark N.

Treasurer: Forrest P.

Secretary: Brian C.

Third Legacy: Lisa C.

Service Liaison: Tom G.

Outreach: Josh M

Inreach: Maxwell

Bombsquad: Jonathan H.

Communications: Taylor H.

Prayer: Brian S.

Unity: Maxwell L.

Events: Stefanie


Facilities: Tom G.

A/V: Josh M

Refreshments: Bryce

Website/Facebook/Communications: Taylor H.

Registration: [Trevor]

Memorabilia: Owen

Decorations: Janessa

Graphics/fliers: [Cassidy]

Greetings: James H.

Cleanup: Josh M.

Tickets/raffles: Elizabeth

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