02/08/2015 Meeting opens at 6:05pm
Attendance: James, Jonathan, Christy, Kim, Lindsay, Nick, Shayna, Brian, Jonathan, Sarah, Taylor, Ben, Gibson
Welcome Newcomers: Kim, 12/7/2014, Forest Green; Taylor, 5/1/2014, Red
Jonathan (General Service Liason): peeps are pissed about the pink can, District 2 (2100 s (north) to Wendover) has many positions opens, central office missing key positions (volunteer coordinator, February Lifeline, and some others).
Jonathan (SWACYPAA): Advisory call next week to review committee budgets. Doing well with pre-registration and we should register. They have at least 100 currently.
- AA World is coming up in July 2015, pre-register now.
- PRASAA (conference about general service) is coming to Layton, Utah in March 2015 and they need 200+ volunteers.
Jonathan (Treasurer): We gotta sell the refreshments we have while they’re still good. $514.11 in the bank account and $70-$80ish petty cash. We still owe $1,196.72 to Jonathan for SWACYPAA. We will still be donating to church we had Thanksgiving event at.
Lindsey (Events) – September is in a play: Valentines Day Event Discussion
- Needing a lot of help for the event. Committee should come at 8pm to set up the event.
- Auctioning 5 girls and 5 guys (AJ will be our auctioneer): September and Ben are chaperoning. The event will be rock climbing. Discussed the date to be February 28th.
- We need people to auction. We will be posting on Facebook to see who may be interested, we will be narrowing it down by Friday.
- We will have games in the other room: everyone is welcome to bring and contribute their own games
- We need a playlist, Gibson will be making one
- We need a cash box
- We will be having Little Ceasar’s pizza – Jonathan will run to get pizza
- Proposed budget of $60 – approved
- Dave and A.J. are handling details for poker
- Robert is handling details for tables and chairs
- Jonathan will be doing refreshments
- We will be rotating to collect money at door
- $10 admission fee includes food and poker chips
James (Unity): “Didnt do anything for unity, we are not unified. Maybe March.”
Fund-are-shit: $13.80
No Old or New Business
Meeting closes at 7:01pm