March 2015 Minutes

03/01/2015 Meeting opens at 6:05pm

Attendance: James, September, Brian, Jonathan, Shayna, Nick, Gibson, Cade, Robert

February minutes approved.


Robert (Facilities):  Ian (FTR) was grateful the place was cleaning and with donation we provided. He also said we are welcome to come back in the future.

Jonathan (General Service Liason): All but one position (volunteer coordinator) has been filled. GSR conference is approaching, our part will be the pre-conference and post-conference events in Moab and Vernal. The agenda will be coming out shortly and we will find if any of the agenda items are applicable to us.

Jonathan (SWACYPAA): 200 pre-registrations now. Outreach is intense.

Jonathan (Treasurer): “Report some money.”

  • Valentine’s event brought in $1,078.50.
  • Costs for: decorations $20, pizza $55, rent $100, card game $150, square fees $11.11, group date: $46.
  • Total profit after cost: $696.14.
  • $1,290.62 money in the bank (savings) and $57 in petty cash.

James (Unity): Suggest we unify at PRASAA, which is an educational conference for the Pacific Region.

Fund-are-shit: $2.00

Old Business

Robert is stepping down from Facilities Chair. Thank you for your service.

Rundown of Valentine’s Event:

  • Brian brought up a concern for FTR’s table at our event, which was volunteered at our last event.
  • On behalf of Lindsay, the event went really well and was well-attended. We should discuss having tables and chairs available for future events.
  • James brought up an idea that aligning with other organizations can be a good thing. Not a clear understanding of being self-support through our own contributions and we are picking and choosing which tradition to follow. The more we align with the committee and service the committee, the better. Jonathan informed us that the events we have are not A.A. events, so they do not fall under the 7th tradition of A.A. SALTY has a different primary purpose. James brought up that the understanding could be actual or implied. As long as we can leave when we want from affiliation, we should be good.
  • Shayna discussed using the event as a learning opportunity to be able to do better next time in terms of delegating tasks and responsibilities.
  • Need to be better about announcing concessions and merch sales.
  • James discussed a lower starting bid if we do this in the future.
  • September will be sending an invite to all those who are involved in the Valentines group date (which has been rescheduled for Saturday, March 7th at 1:00pm).

New Business

  • Sarah has suggested a dodgeball/March madness event.
  • James can talk to FTR regarding facilities while we are waiting to have that position filled.
  • We will be making plans for our next event to be in April at our next committee meeting.

Meeting closes at 7:20pm

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