7/3/2022 Meeting Minutes

SALTYPAA Meeting Minute Notes 7/3/22


Clara- Secretary

Courtney- member 

Mitch- member

James- webmaster

Matt- Outreach

Ariea- Unity/Prayer

Lisa- Chair

Travis- member

Third Legacy took place at 11:30pm-12:15pm. 

Chair opened the meeting at 12:15 pm.



James read meeting minutes.

Ariea motioned to approve the minutes, motion passed. 


Continue to outreach to SWACYPAA. No contact from La Europa yet, will discontinue meeting there until further notice. 


No report, no change. 


Not present, working on current events listed in last meeting minutes. 


No report.

Third Legacy:

Kole will be back for this next month. 


Keep announcing SALTYPAA events and SWACYPAA. Inviting treatment centers to attend .


Will update minutes on website, will make flyers. 


Reached out to Brian with CASHEYPAA, contact has been made and will continue to plan event on July 15th– storm mountain BBQ with them.

Old Business:


Unity Cookout event to take place July 16th, Ogden would be a great place for this. Potentially float the river or something else. 11am-2-3pm. 

SALTYPAA Desert Rave:

August 6th

$5 suggested donation

Speaker at 8:00-8:45

Music to follow until midnight.

Mitch will source a male speaker for this event. 

Ariea will grab smores stuff

Lisa is getting sticks, water, sparkling water, grapefruit fresca, trashbags

Josh is DJing

Matt is getting signs

Courtney is making fire pits

Next SALTYPAA committee meeting is July 17th at the club. 

Group talked about open positions. 

Courtney stands for merch, group voted Courtney in as merch chair. 

Meeting adjourned 1:05pm