The South Western Conference of Young People in Alcoholics Anonymous will be hosted in Reno, Nevada. June 2nd-5th 2016! Register here: http://2016.swacypaa.org/ If you have never been to a YPAA conference before go check it out!  

August 2015 Minutes

08/16/2015 Meeting opens at 12:20pm Attendance: Gibson, Nick, Shayna, Jonathan, Forest, Sarah, Sean, Dan, Brian, Dave July minutes approved. Reports Sarah: Received notification from Lindsey that she would like to re-run for the same position. Sarah will proxy. Fund-are-shit: $9.00 Old Business Shayna: motion to get Jonathan paid back. Passed. Previous balance was $741.02. Jonathan has been paid…

June 2015 Minutes

07/12/2015 Meeting opens at 6:15pm Attendance: Gibson, Nick, Shayna, Jonathan May minutes approved. Reports   Jonathan: No financial updates Fund-are-shit: $4.00 Old Business None New Business Gibson: Proposed we do a BBQ for our next event on Saturday, August 1st. Proposed a $100 budget to cover flyers and food. We are planning to reserve the pavilion at Liberty…

May 2015 Minutes

05/03/2015 Meeting opens at 6:12pm Attendance: Gibson, Nick, Shayna, Christy, James, Brian, Sarah April minutes approved. Reports Sarah (Communications): Update contact list. James (Unity): Would like someone to put together a Unity Event that James can take credit for. JK. We’re looking to do a BBQ on May 29th. Fund-are-shit: $4.00 Old Business We’re waiting for further details…

March 2015 Minutes

03/01/2015 Meeting opens at 6:05pm Attendance: James, September, Brian, Jonathan, Shayna, Nick, Gibson, Cade, Robert February minutes approved. Reports Robert (Facilities):  Ian (FTR) was grateful the place was cleaning and with donation we provided. He also said we are welcome to come back in the future. Jonathan (General Service Liason): All but one position (volunteer coordinator)…

February 2015 Minutes

02/08/2015 Meeting opens at 6:05pm Attendance: James, Jonathan, Christy, Kim, Lindsay, Nick, Shayna, Brian, Jonathan, Sarah, Taylor, Ben, Gibson Welcome Newcomers: Kim, 12/7/2014, Forest Green; Taylor, 5/1/2014, Red Reports Jonathan (General Service Liason): peeps are pissed about the pink can, District 2 (2100 s (north) to Wendover) has many positions opens, central office missing key positions…

Sober Olympics 2014

Its the third annual Sober Olympics. Get your chubby bunny on and compete against 2-time champion Gibson G. Also, field sobriety check, tug of war, balloon toss, obstacle course, kettle bell toss, 3-legged race, very more!   $5 suggested donation, but we’d rather have you than your money if you can’t afford it.