SALTYPAA Meeting Minutes 4.10.22 11:35 Start Time Attendance: Lisa- Chair Grant- Events James- Webmaster Areia – Prayer Matt – Outreach Secretary JAMES read minutes, minutes passed. Chair: Shelly doing La Europe Tuesday April 12th. Everyone showed up to area 29 pre-conference meeting. Went well. Encouraged others to outreach, connected with SWACYPAA, found contact for UCYPAA…

Mid-Year Elections May 1st, 2022
3/20/2022 Meeting Minutes
Attendance: Clara- Secretary Bradley- Events Shelly- Treasurer Lisa- Chair Joshua Grant- Events Jerren James- Webmaster Secretary read minutes, minutes passed. Chair- La Europa went well! Next meeting is April 12th. Shelly is attending. SWACYPAA room blocks are open for the convention in July. We would like to support their events and collaborate with their committee…
3/6/2022 Meeting Minutes
Attendance- Clara Shelly Lisa Ariea Matt Grant Kole James Aaron Secretary read minutes, Minutes passed. Chair- La Europe is Tuesday March 8th, Lisa and Kole will attend Lisa will continue to connect with other YPAAs in Utah. District 10 pre-conference event on April 1-3, needs hospitality help and tear down help. Lisa will make a…

Chili Cook Off and Talent Show
2/20/2022 Meeting Minutes
Reports: Chair: La Europa went well. Going to try to bring some pamphlets next time. Next commitment is March 8. Going to reach out to UCYPAA to see if we can get some statewide unity going. SWACYPAA is interested in co-hosting an event. Asked if we would be interested in hosting a marathon meeting during…
2/6/2022 Meeting Minutes
3rd legacy took place at 11:40. Attendance: Kole- 3rd Legacy Shelly- Treasurer Lisa- Chair Bradley- events Grant- Events Clara- Secretary James- Webmaster Ariea- Greeter/Unity Matt- Outreach Reports: Secretary: Read minutes, minutes passed Chair: Swacypaa chair reached out to Lisa, they are hosting the event in St. George on July 28-31 at Hilton Garden Inn. Volunteers…
1/16/2022 Meeting Minutes
Attendance: Bradley – Events Kole – 3rd Legacy Grant – Events Aria – Prayer & Unity Matt – Outreach James – Webmaster & Flyers Will – New guy Grant filling in for chair: -Opened with Lords Prayer James: Read meeting minutes – passed Chair: Payed for church, need to wear masks Lisa doing breakfast basket…
1/2/2022 Meeting Minutes
Opened at 12:10pm with serenity prayer Attendance: Clara- Secretary Aria- Greeter Shelly- Treasurer Kole- 3rd legacy James- Webmaster Chair: Dance is coming together DJ is confirmed La Europa meeting is active, we will be there next on 1.11.22 Trevin is stepping down as merch/GSL Secretary: Read Meeting minutes, passed. Treasurer: Checking: $873.08 There is some…